Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Waldorf Education

 rolling beeswax candles
 making lanterns for lantern walk
classroom tasks

As some of you may know I am a huge fan of Waldorf Education. Our oldest son attended the mixed age kindergarten at the Waldorf School of San Diego in 2009. And we loved it.  I am grateful for the year he had there and for the families I met. In 2010 we switched schools to a more main stream school, this however, was not quite the fit for our family at that time. Since we have been lucky enough to have found the Sparrow school http://nuasparrow.org . So far it amazing and they pull from Steiner (waldorf).  We are lucky to have an amazing teacher who is doing the Waldorf teacher training as well.  Check it out and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy Sparrow is such a great place for you! I need to put you in touch with a friend who is looking into it and has a few questions....
